What’s Wrong With Warehousing Technology Today? Is AI The Solution?

Keith Moore is CEO of AutoScheduler.AI. Many warehouse management systems (WMS) and warehouse control systems (WCS) vendors have a very concrete, fenced-in approach to the world. These vendors believe that a company’s four walls are their fence, and they lock people out, not wanting to expose them to new technologies. This belief hinders the adoption of […]

Supply Chain Network Summit 2024

Supply Chain Network Summit Hosts Transforming Warehouse Management with Control Towers, Digital Twins, and AI Webinar with AutoScheduler.AI

AutoScheduler.AI Adds John Kelly as VP of Sales

Austin, TX—(December 4, 2024) –AutoScheduler.AI, an innovative Warehouse
Orchestration Platform and WMS accelerator, announces that John Kelly has joined the
company as Vice-President of Sales. He will lead the Go to Market initiative for
AutoScheduler.AI to acquire net new customers and grow and expand projects with existing

AutoScheduler Adds Vice President of Customer Success to ReinforceFocus on Successful Customer Implementations

Austin, TX – (October 29, 2024) –AutoScheduler.AI, an innovative Warehouse
Orchestration Platform and WMS accelerator, announces that Ian Johnston has joined the
company as the Vice President of Customer Success. He will replace Stephen Zujkowski,
who is retiring. Ian has over a decade of experience in supply chain operations, logistics
management, and strategic leadership. He will use his expertise to help AutoScheduler’s
customers gain value and success from deploying AutoScheduler solutions. He will be the
face of success for all AutoScheduler’s customers, ensuring the talented implementation
team continues delivering exceptional services and fostering true partnerships.

LinkedIn Webinar Oct 31 2024

AutoScheduler.AI and Softeon Host LinkedIn Live Event: Unlocking
Warehouse Potential: Openness, AI, and Decision-Making